Young Frankenstein
September 2015
The set for Young Frankenstein has to accomplish very specific and universally memorized gags. It also has to be many different locations and ultimately requires a large science lab that can yield an impressive and dramatic creation scene. I decided to base everything off a basic stone castle courtyard that could be an exterior or interior wall. The main platform stack housed many secrets. There was a central turn table that revealed the self tilting lab table , which was flanked by two smaller turn tables revealing Jacob's ladders created through a hinged back panel and rear projection. Stage left was a smaller turn table that contained the trick bookcase. Stage right was an alcove and staircase that could act as a bricked up sewer outside or a fireplace in a great room. An actor has to be able to descend from a portrait above the fireplace, which was accomplished with a trick frame over the doorway and a very still actor. Two slipstages nestled into the platforming from the wings to furnish scenes. There was also a fullstage tracking stone wall that housed the massive castle front door behind folding panels.